Disease Monitoring: Observing Pigs

Disease monitoring involves close observation and testing. Producers are encouraged to designate one or more Swine Health Monitors.

The materials below will help Swine Health Monitors find disease early or demonstrate no evidence of infection so a movement permit can be requested in an outbreak. Remember to document all training (visit Forms page).

Swine Health Monitor Training

Foot and mouth disease videos

African swine fever videos


Download and print the 12″ by 18″ FMD, CSF, and ASF posters.

Pocket Guide

Foot and mouth disease pocket guide English | Spanish

Order Free 12″ by 18″ Laminated FMD, CSF, and ASF Posters

Go to the Pork Store and enter item #

  • Foot and Mouth Disease in Pigs (FMD): English #04868; Spanish #04868S
  • Classical Swine Fever (CSF): English #04897; Spanish #04897S
  • African Swine Fever (ASF): English #04895; Spanish #04895S